Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This just in!

This just (literally) came across my desk... white chocolate. And I am here to tell you, it's the Devil's candy. Why is it Satan's own confection you ask? Much like Lucifer himself, it's masked as something good (ie giving yourself the name "chocolate") but inside it is pure, disgusting evil.

In fact, white chocolate is a disgrace to the word "chocolate." What Tom Cruise is to acting, white is to chocolate - an embarrassment.

The shape just makes your evil even more obvious.

***Alright, I just realized a huge error in my little "white ain't right" rant, when accompanied by his friends the macadamia nut and cookie, white is, well, OK. I still think brown would be better though...

1 comment:

Rowbear said...

i'm pretty racist when it comes to chocolate cause I like white better. My favorite candy bar is the zero bar, yeah, that's how bad I am.