Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Infection

Somewhere between Monday afternoon and Monday late afternoon, an otherwise uneventful stop to the men's room turned into what felt like trying to pass Frank's Hot Sauce through my urethra. Tuesday mornin I woke up sweating with the same wonderful burning sensation still downstairs. In constant denile, I took some Ibuprofen and rode my bike to work. By noon, I was in some kinda hurt with a full on fever settin in with a vengeance.

After realizing I was not feeling any better (despite endlessly trying to convince myself otherwise) Tuesday, I hit the emergency care center. Kidney and bladder infection. The good news being the antibiotics seem to have helped loads and it's not clamidia from one of the girls at the Dizzy Wizz. But the process of taking in (and therefore excreting) a lot of liquid over the last 48 hours seems like telling someone with a broken leg to do some extra jogging. Ouch.

Off to the doctor tomorrow where he will hopefully NOT want to put a scope anyplace that is normally reserved for exit purposes only and we can figure out how I may have got into this mess and therefore avoid another run-in.

So what? So if I race Saturday, I have my excuse for suckin published here ahead of time. Always thinkin ahead.


bkenmtb said...

I'm suffering shrinkage just from thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the asian hooker flu ta me....


Anonymous said...

anthony, what did i tell you about those dizzy whiz girls? geez.

Anthony said...

you told me they like vanilla shakes. nothing else.