Friday, February 06, 2009


I did 50+ miler today and went a little harder than last time which resulted in some dead legs by the time I got back into town. Once I got into my neighborhood I nearly died coasting down a hill and not paying much attention. I guess I hit some salt or leftover frozen crap. It was like hitting a speed bump which caused the bike to buck me a little resulting in my left hand coming completely off the bars but luckily I saved it and the only damage I did was elevating my heart rate for a minute or two. About 200 yards later at a four way stop I decided to unclip my left foot instead of my right for some reason and of course my legs were so dead that I couldn't get out and ended up falling over in the street with cars all around me. It was awesome, I was annoyed but hopefully the cars around me got a good chuckle. That was my day, now I have to do some serious reading (on a friday night LAME!)

It made me think of this guy

falling over in Waverly Parking lot while Anthony and I sat there laughing.

1 comment:

Nick Barburuski said...

Haha...jerk. I bet yours was funnier. I'm glad nobody ran over you:)