Sunday, April 12, 2009

Death Machine

Rusty's little Santa Cruz may be all black and "menacing", but lets face it, it's about as big of a threat to the general population as a member of Stryper. And like most threats to the general well being, my Cannondale looks unassuming, but it is now officially a death rider.

I have hit a squirrel once, but he survived. I have run over road kill. I have wanted to die and/or wanted to kill some people while riding, but yesterday was the first time I killed.

Truckin along US 42 about 25 mph, a bird flew right into my spokes (steel, bladed spokes 1 - robin 0). The little bugger almost took my down, amazing what a few ounces of unexpected force applied to the outside of a wheel can do, but instead, his lifeless body now lays along Brownsboro road as a testament to all other wildlife as to what happens when you tangle with me.

I'm headed out now to take out a bunny. Happy Easter.

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