Friday, April 17, 2009


Sold my motorcycle :( and went for a little bike ride at Frankfort, nat henton let me borrow his scalpel :) while he rode a single speed that kept dropping its chain :P My bike is at clarksville cyclery get a full-on tune up, apparently they had to order a linkage piece or something for the rear shock, I didn't really understand what brian was talking about but I'm confident it's being taken care of. 3 more weeks and I can start riding for real, but right now I've got about 60 pages worth of term papers to write 26 different books so I won't be riding too much till the first week of may :( I'd like to get some serious work down and show up for the norKY race next weekend. That means I need to stop updating my blog and get back to writing an essay. Holla.

1 comment:

Russell G. said...

Tower Park should be a good one. Those Smitty's boys love the sport and do a good job at keeping it fun.
hope to see ya there
xx oo