Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Coke vs Pepsi

I highly suspect Pespi drinkers of being Commies. Not that a good ol 'merican can't drink a Pepsi, it's when you choose to drink Pepsi you become a bit more Red. Or Canadian. If you have some whiskey and reach for a Pepsi vs a Coke, you should be shipped to Guantanamo and tortured, no questions asked. You have no terrorist secrets, you just deserve a beating.

Wondering what your cola says about you?

Pepsi - commie, canandian, guido
Root Beer - hippie
Tab - jazzercise teacher
Fanta - flower arranger, unibomber
Sprite - fairy, gnome
Diet Coke - you're fat and you eat twinkies
Mellow Yellow - freak
Mountain Dew - 13 year old skater boy or frat boy tool
Mr. Pibb - really, who drinks this?
Vanilla, Cherry or other flavored cola - schizophrenic
7up - alcoholic or botulism victim
Those weird colas in the mexican section at the supermarket or Big Lots - mexican. duh
Sams Choice - sure as heck aren't Sam Walton. At least one car in yard and 1 pet missing some appendage
Dr. Pepper - good person, but one to be watched
Big Red - league bowler


Anonymous said...

jajajaja anthony veyr funy. helga drink pepse coala!!!!!!!!! pepse was favirit drenk of stalin how russia got superphowre

pleez wrtie mor anthony

Anonymous said...

i put moor pikchur fro anthony to see. helga sxy russian kitty meow.

Duane said...

Change Diet Coke to "you're fat and you eat HoHo's" and you're describing me to a T.