Friday, January 25, 2008

My wife and I have a big announcement

We adopted a doggie.


Nick Barburuski said...

it's santa's little helper!

Anthony said...

The question is who is more domesticated, you or him?

Rowbear said...

She is a lady.

Anonymous said...

welcome to parenthood-lite.

Rowbear said...

duane, we wanted to adopt abe, he's from my home county even but airedale rescue is spensive

bkenmtb said...

the dog is cuter than you'll ever be

keith said...

Are you sure thats a dog? Looks a lot like a deer. Watch for antler in a few months.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, them 'Dales are costly. Believe it or not, the fee doesn't even cover what we personally spent on him. He did find a good home, though, so it's kinda nice to be back at 3 dogs in the house.