Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's not who's fattest's who stuffs the ballot box. So bow before the King of the fatties and thank the good Lord Mo doesn't have to hunt you down and kick your butt.

I mean, if I can't win bike races right now, I gotta get ego boosts from winning something. So take that housewives and invalids, Me an my cat beat you!


Nick Barburuski said...

I hope someone recorded this. EPIC!!!

keith said...

Lift with the legs, not the back

Rowbear said...

stuffing ballot boxes? LBJ would be so proud of you.

Davey B said...

can you tell me whats going on?

you get to bring your cat to work?


Nick Barburuski said...

anthony wishes he was a news anchor. ha.

Rowbear said...

he'd say "ummmm" so much while he was on the air. I'd probably tune in just for shits and giggles, just like I tune in to watch the local meteorologist with the crazy lisp.