Friday, March 30, 2007

Cleared for dirt

Kinda sorta maybe. What the doc said is "if it hurts, don't do it". Therein lies the problem. My shoulder still hurts. Not as much, not as often, but it definitely lets me know when I'm doing something it doesn't like. Which is in the form of pain. Now refer back to the doc's statement. See my conumdrum? But she didn't tell me to specifically stay off the MTB like she did before, so in my eyes that means I'm cleared for the trails. So who knows. I'm gonna play the next week or so by ear and wait and see. But at least if the weather cooperates I may give it a shot.


Anthony said...

as long as you arent doin any damage, suck it up nancy. :p

Duane said...

I withstood the pressure to ride the MTB this weekend. 50 miles on the Tandem and 70 Hilly miles on the road made up for it. If the weather holds for Easter weekend, though, I'll be out on my Scalpel.