Saturday, March 17, 2007


As the title of this entry alludes to, I'm jealous. It's the first day of the MTB race season for 2007 and I didn't race. Not tomorrow either. Instead today's excitement was 50 very slow road miles in scenic southern Indiana to be followed with 60 miles on the road again tomorrow. This sucks. I was reading about todays TT at Youngers' Creek and looking at Big County's pics. Man I wanna ride my mountain bike. Rowbear and Anthony look so cool on their Scalpels that I wanna ride mine, it's way cooler than Rowbears.

The shoulder is still tight and I was feeling it for the last 45 minutes of todays' ride. With that said, I guess it's a good thing I'm not trying to get out there on the MTB. 2 more weeks until my next doctor's visit - I hope I get the go-ahead to return to the dirt at that time. As of now I'm projecting that my first race of the year will be May 5th, at the DINO Warsaw race or Park Mammoth if they schedule it for that date. Either way, its 7 weeks from today, so I better get working on my fitness. Wish me luck.

EDIT: After about 15 minutes on the road bike today (Sunday) it became obvious that 60 miles wasn't in the cards. So I suffered thru 32 chilly miles (I was under-dressed). So after that I'm a little less jealous of the guys that raced this weekend.


Anthony said...

duane, it was soooooo cold this morning. seeing you lookin hot on that scapel woulda warmed me. wish you coulda been there.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i looked at the temperature this morning at like 7:30 and it said 26 degrees and i really didn't even feel like leaving the house.

Duane said...

Anthony, judging from the pics taken at the race there were plenty of Scalpels and Leftys to keep you all hot and bothered. Mine would have just been lost in the crowd. Of course, you could just peeked at Schwormie's, mine looks like his just not as fast.