Friday, March 23, 2007

little stalins

This life is full of people who love a particular sport or activity but have one little problem; they are not good at it. Their solution? They insert themselves in a role of some sort of power and rule like a little Stalin. Local and national cycling clubs and orginizations, as well as shops, seem to be a haven for these people. They may not be good at it, or do it much, but by God, if you want to be a cyclist in this area, you better give them their due. When you look at the sports world as a whole, I suppose ownership/management is the ultimate no talent revenge. A buncha guys who never could do, but have arrived at a place in their lives that they can now dictate how the game is played.

Fortunately, many of these sparkle and fade. They find some other shiney object to pursue and a new group of people that will be made miserable by their presence. The bad part is, while they are around spreading their misery and mucking things up, they sour people on the sport or set it back years. The point? I dont know. I guess like liars and cheats in life, I just dont understand the motivation. Didnt mom give them enough attention, or did the priest give them too much? Or maybe it was the humiliation of never being picked or riding the pine when they were finally picked. Why cant people let others be? Why is it so important to be, well, important that you'll take the whole shabang down with you if thats what it takes to prove it is indeed your ball and you can take it home if you want.

If you think I am talking about you, I guess I am. Probably didnt write this with you (whoever you are) in mind, but if the shoe fits, it can be yours. In the meantime, I'll support those clubs, shops and individuals who are doing their part to make the cycling community a better place.


Anonymous said...

Me great great great great uncles cousin was great leader in Bolshevik party. i look to stalin for guidence in his memeories writings.

you look strong like ox like me. I overlook polish heritage, and we make babies of super race.

Anonymous said...

i'll try to get faster, i promise. please don't be mad at me.

curtlo the great

Anonymous said...

now that you mention it, that all does sort of make sense. I never thought of it.

Duane said...

Wow, I feel like such a loser.

Anonymous said...

Just sit back on the seat and laugh while watching the power trippers fail with their misery being their only company....